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  • Christian, H... J...

    geboren 1893, erwähnt -1985, Korrespondent und Bekannter von Kathrin Leip; Nachname so entziffert. Vater von ...; Dörthe (Nlp:F:12:D2) ?; 1984 91. Geburtstag s. Nlp:F:12:C3:3

  • Kvalbein, Astrid

    1971 - , researcher; specialising in Nordic music history; particularly 20th century processes of modernisation; gender issues; and contemporary music; PhD on composer Pauline Hall (1890-1969)

  • Overbeck, Anne

    1980 - , freie Mitarbeiterin am Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund; she is part of the Junior Research Group "Family Values" and Social Change: The US-American Family in the 20th century" at the University of Münster sponsored by the German Research Foundation. Her research interestd include migration history; American history; and gender studies

  • Oxford, Aubrey de Vere of

    1627 - 1703, Sohn von Robert de Vere; Royalist im Bürgerkrieg u. 20th Earl of Oxford; Parteigänger von Charles II. u. später von Wilhelm von Oranien

  • Wynn, Neil A.

    1947 - , Professor of 20th century American history at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham
