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  • Abrahamson, Kjell Albin

    1945 - 2016, Swedish author and radio/print journalist; Swedish National Radio’s foreign correspondent to Moscow; (USSR); Vienna (Austria); and Warsaw (Poland); Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Jamtland since 1995; former president of the Svenska Filmakademin

  • Adler, William M.

    1931 - , Freelance writer who has written for numerous publ.; incl. "Esquire"; "Rolling Stone"; and the "Texas Observer". Author of "Mollies's job"; New York; NY 2000

  • Bello, José Maria

    1880 - 1959, Braz. author; b. Barreiros; Pernambuco

  • Cairns, Huntington

    1904 - 1985, Lawyer and author; had previously worked for the Treasury Department and in 1943 became Secretary-Treasurer and General Counsel for the National Gallery of Art in Washington; D.C.

  • Castellani, Leandro

    1933 - , degree in philosophy; author; television film director

  • Duffy, James

    1923 - , Author of scholarly sks. on Africa and Africanists; also writes children's books

  • Flower, Newman

    1879 - 1964, Sir; English author; collector; publisher; knighted in 1938

  • Fluwerck, Anna Marie

    1630 - 1659, Ehefrau von Author Fluwerck; Amtmann in Hötensleben

  • Fodor, Nandor

    1895 - 1964, British and American parapsychologist; psychoanalyst; author and journalist; received a doctorate in law from the Royal Hungarian University of Science in Budapest; moved to New York to work as a journalist and to Britain in 1929 where he worked for a newspaper company; worked as an editor for the Psychoanalytic Review and was a member of the New York Academy of Sciences
