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  • Allen, Richard

    1944 - , B.Phil in Economics and Public Finance; University of York; MA in Economics; University of Edinburgh

  • Anas, Alex

    1950 - , Department of Economics; State University of New York at Buffalo; Amherst; NY; USA

  • Andrade, Heidi L.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Methodology in the School of Education at the University at Albany; State University of New York; USA

  • Azenha, Gustavo S.

    Wirkungsdaten 2020-, Executive Director des ILAS; Institute of Latin American Studies an der Columbia University; New York

  • Bell, Philip W.

    1924 - , began his career as a correspondent for the New York Times; doctoral degrees in economics from Princeton University; master's degree from the University of California; Berkeley; served on many university faculties in the United States; including the University of California; Haverford College; Rice University and Boston University; his scholarly work seeks to bring accounting and economics closer together; an interest he applied in work with developing countries and consulting engagements with the U.S. Departments of Treasury and State and the U. S. Agency for International Development

  • Boise, Sam de

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig im Department of Sociology; University of York

  • Cairns, Patrick

    Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], derzeit tätig an der AudioLab; University of York

  • Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Professor of Business Psychology at University College London and a visiting Professor at New York University

  • Chuckrow, Robert

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 20. Jh., Formerly of New York University; USA

  • Cook, Kenneth E.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, hold degrees from Michigan State University; University of Michigan and Crane School of Music. He currently teaches graduate classes at Five Towns College on Long Island; New York.
