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  • Bannier, Jan Hendrik

    1909 - 1995, CERN: President of the Council at CERN for the years 1964; 1965 and 1966 and was President of the Finance Committee from 1958 to 1960; in the Netherlands; he is Director of ZWO (Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research) and also Vice-President of the National Commission for UNESCO

  • Bogaards, Niels

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 21. Jh., Elephantcandy; the Netherlands

  • Borrie, W. D.

    1913 - , Netherlands Inst. of Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (1992)

  • Cornet, Ineke

    1982 - , Ineke studied history and theology at the University of Leiden; The Netherlands; and obtained a PhD in Theology from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Belgium; as well as a PhD in Literature from the University of Antwerp; in 2011

  • Geary, Micheal Jospeh

    1980 - , Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington; D.C.; USA; and Assistant Professor at Maastricht University; The Netherlands

  • Heumen, Lennaert van

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD candidate and lecturer at Radboud University Nijmegen; The Netherlands

  • Keilbach, Judith

    1969 - , Associate Professor of Television Studies in the Media and Culture Studies Department of Utrecht University (The Netherlands). She received her Ph.D. in Film Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin. - Wiss. Mitarb. am Seminar für Filmwiss.; FU Berlin

  • Kloosterman, Robert Christian

    1955 - , Tätig am Amsterdam Inst. of Metropolitan and Internat. Development Studies; AMIDSt; Tätig am Economisch Geografisch Inst.; Univ. van Amsterdam; The Netherlands

  • Krabbendam, Hans

    1964 - , Assistant director of the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg; The Netherlands (2004); Director of the Catholic Documentation Centre in Nijmegen (2017)

  • Lammers, Johan G.

    1941 - , Office of the Legal Adviser; Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; The Hague; Holländ. Jurist
